Friday 17 May 2013

London Zoo sketches

It's been ages since I've been to London Zoo to sketch, and after recently seeing a television segment about a new Silverback Gorilla, I decided to head there for a day. I picked a bad day weather wise, I only had spring clothing, at it was a very wintery spring day! Standing sketching at the Gorilla enclosure is quite a wind tunnel, and it wasn't long before my hands were frozen in sketching position.

this new guy seems pretty laid back about his new environment

never can get Ape faces right, but sort of happy with the main one here

There's a fantastic new Tiger enclosure, so pleased to see after they had such a tiny space previously. Of course it also meant I couldn't see any of them! On a second pass by I found one who was soaking up a spot of sun.

I sat for a while on a bench opposite the Lion enclosure, most of them were snuggled up on their deck catching what little afternoon sun there was, but too hidden from my view. I warmed up with a coffee and eventually was rewarded with them briefly peeking their faces over the edge of their deck. 

 When I finished the drawing I was struck with how much it looked like drawings of these same cubs I made a couple of years back. So I dug these out when I got home for comparison. I'm pretty sure I can identify the cub bottom right in the sketch above as Ruby from my previous drawings. The one in the centre (who's name I haven't collected on my visits) certainly looks like the other old sketch. The top right corner is Mum of the cubs, and I have an old sketch of her too. I'm really thrilled to be able to see a resemblance, sketching a live animal two years apart.

Ruby, from my old sketchbook 

I don't have a name for this girl, but what a sad face she has
'mum' from 2011

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