Tuesday 2 October 2012

Seaside underpainting

It feels like a week since I last posted, I'm most surprised to find it was only Friday! So far it seems my impetuous for blogging is working - I hoped it would help focus me creatively, and so far so good.

Yesterday I began another painting - so far just the initial under painting done, and I can already see the changes to be made on the next sitting, but fell happy with it as a start. It's based around two photos of loved ones and places from home. I've been thinking of this painting for such a long time now, its good to see it coming out.


Over the weekend I got up to a bit of knitting. I bought this ball of mohair in Helsinki a while back, and thought it would be a nice therapeutic bit of knitting this weekend, to knit up a scarf, after the cardigan fiasco. I hadn't realised how much green was in the mix, so it's even brighter than I expected. It will certainly be hard to lose me in winter with this and my orange winter coat.
And a bit of 'un' knitting - pulled back all of the disaster cardigan and bundled it up ready for washing and winding back into balls.
As it was the weekend, and we had a birthday in the house, I also enjoyed quite a bit of this!

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