Friday 1 November 2013

Skansen tropicarium or 'When Lemurs attack'

Just before leaving Stockholm I revisited Skansen's tropical section. I've been once before about 18 mths ago, and it's taken me till now to get over the last visit. Let me explain. I love Lemurs, they are the funniest things to watch, especially on a cloudy day when the sun suddenly pokes through, and every Lemur stops, sits cross legged and faces the sun with their eyes closed. It's like the weirdest yoga class you've ever seen.

So when I first read about the tropicarium, and that as part of it you walk through the Lemur enclosure, I was so excited. It's quite a large enclosure with a winding path with stairs upto the next level to exit, and there are a lot of Lemurs in there.

All looking so innocent

Excuse the blurry selfie, but this was me, full of excitement when I first entered the enclosure. The Lemurs seemed quite happy to completely ignore my presence, and I pulled out my sketch book to draw, and things went down hill, quickly. Despite the warning signs everywhere about not feeding them, clearly people do, and reaching into my bag, and some rattling paper set off a signal to every Lemur in that enclosure that I had food, and they wanted it. I found myself in the ludicrous position of running back and forth and literally in circles trying to outrun a pack of Lemurs! They were an organised gang, some took up place blocking the exit door! All I could think of was they would run up my legs, scratch or bite - but that I absolutely didn't want to hurt any of them stopping that, so the only solution my brain presented was 'run in circles why I think about it'.

I did get out, no Lemurs were harmed, but I was a shaking mess! Of course it's now a hilarious story, but I was terrified at the time.

So fast forward 18mths and I decide to head back, mostly to draw the Sloths. On my last visit they were hanging around looking like this:

On this visit, they were all asleep, curled up in balls.

'Jub Jub' was still there, in exactly the same spot.

As for the Lemurs, I'd convinced myself that you didn't have to walk through the enclosure, but turns out you do (if you want to see the rest of the exhibits). So I but my big girl pants on and walked through. By halfway all bravery had gone, and I found myself attempting to use a 5year old child as a shield. Thankfully neither of us were attacked, but I don't think I'll be going back again.



  1. Using young children as body guards at zoos does seem a common event. See many adults pretending to be soo brave and saying things like won't bite, don't hurt meanwhile holding the child's hand out instead of their own

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