As I am extremely overdue with a cardigan promised for my great niece I had planned to spend as much time as possible knitting - and hoped to complete it by the time I arrived home, exhausted, Friday night.
After furiously knitting for the first half of the week it was growing at a terrific pace (its knitted all in one piece), but a nagging voice in the back of my mind kept drawing my eye to some uneven tension ("I'm sure it will look better after washing..."), and the odd split stitch ("I'm sure no one else will notice..."). By Wednesday night I surrendered and pulled back the entire thing
this is where I got to before pulling it all back
I decided as it's now over a month late, and after re checking my tension, to start over at a larger size too. After what I'm now writing off as a practice run, I'm much happier with how it's looking.
I may just need to buy myself some more train tickets to catch up again though.